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Monday, January 27, 2020
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 1. Introduction Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a procedure that requires developers to follow in order to be granted permission for a development and was first introduced in European Union (EU) in 1985 (Glasson, 1999). The guidelines and requirements of EIA come from a European Directive (85/33/EEC as amended by 97/11/EC). In this process, developer requires to compile an Environmental Statement (ES) where significant impacts and its effects on the environment as a result of a development are described including mitigation measures (Lee, 1995). However, there are weaknesses in EIA process. As a result of EIA weaknesses, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was introduced. SEA process was first introduced by EU Directive 2001/42/EC which environmental protection and sustainable development may be considered. It ensures that potential impact of proposed plans, policies and programmes on the environment are taking into consideration so that mitigation and communication between public and decision-makers are provided (Benson, 2003). Therefore, SEA is undertaken in the decision-making process of a development much earlier than EIA. In this section, the differences between EIA and SEA as well as the weaknesses of EIA that led the development of SEA in EU Directive in 2001 are being discussed. 2. Differences between EIA and SEA 2.1. Differences in provisions between SEA and EIA Directives Table 1: Summary of differences in action for EIA and SEA processes (Partidà ¡rio, 2000). SEA EIA Nature of action It is more strategic and contains visions and concepts in its action Actions towards the construction and operation level Assessment Involved evaluation Involved only assessment Focus More critical decision moments (decision windows) along with decision processes Only in project level Level of decision It involves policy and planning Only project level Relation to decision Facilitator Involved evaluator which often taking into consideration of administrative requirement Alternatives Broader and spatial balance of location, social and physical strategies, technologies and economics. More specific alternative in construction, operation, locations and design Scale of impacts Macroscopic involved local, regional, national and global Microscopic mainly involved local Scope of impacts Sustainability issues, economic and social issues may be more tangible than physical or ecological issues Environmental with a sustainability focus, physical or ecological issues, and also social and economic Time scale and review Long to medium term (after 5 years and then 7 years interval) Medium to short-term (after 5 years then silent continuing review). Key data sources State of the Environment Reports, Local Agenda 21, statistical data, policy and planning instruments Field work, sample analysis, statistical data Data Mainly descriptive and mixture with quantifiable More quantifiable Rigor of analysis (uncertainty) More uncertainty and less rigor Less uncertainty and more rigor Assessment benchmarks Sustainability benchmarks (criteria and objectives) Best practice and legal restrictions Public perception Vague/ distant More reactive Post-evaluation Other strategic actions and project planning Objective evidence in relation with construction and operation 2.2 Differences in procedural requirements of the EIA and SEA Directives. Table 2: Summary of the main differences between EIA and SEA Directives in procedural requirements ( Sources from : Sheate et al., 2005). STAGE SEA EIA Screening It requires consultation from the environmental authorities. Publicity: SEA does not need determination and reasons. It requires no consultation. Publicity: EIA requires determination and reasons. Environmental information/report Member States (MSs) have to ensure that sufficient quality and stronger emphasis on alternatives are provided in environmental reports (ERs). No quality control requires in EIA and only minimun information shoud be provided Consultation Involved relevant parties other than MSs such as public and autorities. Involved relevant parties other than MSs such as public and autorities and also consultation provision from Public Participation Directive. Decision-making All consultation comments and ER are to be taken into account. Consultation comments and environmental informations are included in decision-making. Info on decision More specific and detailed requirements. Information provision from Public Participation Directive are mademore specific in the requirement. Monitoring Long term monitoring required Not require monitoring 3. Weaknesses of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 3.1. Lack of consideration of cumulative impacts EIA process is often facing difficulty in addressing cumulative impacts of a development. The significant impacts of a development especially issues on biodiversity, human health and cultural heritage are no included in their assessment (McDonald Brown 1995). For example in Scotland, several developments of wind farms proposed in close proximity have led to a very complicated EIA process (Glasson, 1999). Each developer required assessing the cumulative impact of landscape and visual application with those of neighboring projects (Benson, 2003). The planning process could face a delay due to this issue. 3.2. Insufficient public participation Public involvement has shown to be insufficient in EIA process (Gailus, 1995). In a recent research suggested that this is due to the attitude of the developer that discourages the participation of public in EIA process in the European Community. Due to lack of legislation and extensive for public involvement in Europe in the early 90s to influence the decision of a development, the general public is not aware of their rights and causes them not interested in the development involvement (Caddy, 1996). 3.3. Little monitoring and auditing process Previous study has showed that monitoring and auditing issues are still weak in EIA. Follow-up process is only performed by developers in a minority of cases (Arts and Nootebloom 1999). Monitoring process enables practioners to have better understanding for future extension, design and restoration projects (Frost, 1997). However, the river restoration process in United Kingdom (UK) was hampered by lack of monitoring process in EIA. 3.4. Inadequate consideration of alternatives The compilation of alternatives appears to be very limited in EIA report (Tesli, 2002). For example in Hungary for radioactive disposal, the report did not provide in details or rather limited in reducing the impacts of the project to the human health (Benson, 2003). It is important to include various alternatives to allow solutions being taken in a development. 3.5. The poor quality of environmental impact statements and reports The reports produced in EIA are often too complex in term of length and technical which is not easily understood by the public and decision makers (Lee, 1995). It is important for ES to be simple as it has to be made available to the public. 3.6. The timing of decisions The decision-making process in EIA project enters too late where the effects of policy and planning critical decisions are not being considered (Lee, 1995). This is due to the absence of systematic impact assessment process where the outcome of it could subsequently influence the project planning and design (Harrop Nixon 1999). 4. Conclusion There were various weaknesses have been identified in EIA process. Due to these weaknesses, SEA was developed in 2001 under EU Directive to strengthen the environmental assessment process. 5. References Arts, J. and Nootebloom, S. (1999) ââ¬ËEnvironmental Impact Assessment Monitoring and Auditing in: Petts, J. (ed.) Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Volume 1, Blackwell, Oxford: 229-251 Benson, J.F. (2003) ââ¬ËWhat is the alternative? Impact assessment tools and sustainable planning, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 21 (4): 261-266 Caddy, J. (1996). Working Group on Environmental Studies, European University Institute, Florence. [Online] http://www.iue.it/WGES/Iss16/caddy.htm [Accessed: 29/01/2010]. Frost, R. (1997) Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment in Practice. Chapter 7 EIA monitoring and audit in Weston, J (ed). Longman, Harlow. pp 141 175. Gailus, J. (1995). Regional Environmental Centre: Hungary. [Online] http://www.rec.org/REC/Bulletin/Bull52/PublPart.html [Accessed: 29/01/2010] Glasson, J. (1999) ââ¬ËThe First 10 Years of the UK EIA System: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, Planning Practice and Research, 14 (3): 363-375 Glasson, J. Therivel, R. and Chadwick, A. (1999) Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Spon Press, London Harrop, O. and Nixon, A. (1999) Environmental Impact Assessment in Practice, Routledge, London Lee, N. (1995) ââ¬ËEnvironmental Assessment in the European Union: a tenth anniversary, Project Appraisal, 10 (2): 77-90 McDonald, G.T. and Brown, A.L. (1995) ââ¬ËGoing Beyond Environmental Impact Assessment: environmental input to planning and design, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15: 483-495 Partidà ¡rio, M.R., 2000, Elements of an SEA framework improving the added-value of SEA, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20: 647-663. Sheate, W. Byron, H. Dagg, S. Cooper, L (2005), The Relationship between SEA and EIA Directives: Final Report to the European Commission. Imperial College London Tesli, A. (2002). The use of EIA and SEA relative to the objective of sustainable development, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR). 1. Content of an SEA report as required by EU Directive The implementation of plans and programmes (PPs) in which likely significant effects produce by the project on the environment is the key requirement in preparation of an SEA report (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2001). Figure 1 shows the summary of the contents required by EU Directive (2001/42/EC) in producing SEA reports. Not all projects need to perform SEA process (Barth Fuder, 2002). The diagram in Figure 2 shows a set of set of criteria for application to PPs under the EU Directive (2001/42/EC). It specifies whether SEA is required or not according to the Directive. For simplicity, the developments of the PPs and reasonable alternative options of SEA are summarized in five key stages according to the government guidance in England (URL 1). 1.1. The key five stages Stage A: Context, Baseline and Scoping (SEA Directive Annex 1) Authority needs to include indicators, objectives and background information for SEA in the plan. The decisions of the scope can be decide by the authority including consultation on the statutory environmental bodies (URL 1). Stage B:Alternatives and Assessment (SEA Directive Article 5.1) Authority need to identify reasonable alternatives and assess the effects of the project on the environment. Ways of reducing, preventing and offsets the effects have to be provided as well (URL 1). Stage C: Preparing the Environmental Report Draft plan/programme which includes the information of the effects has to be presented as a key output of SEA process (URL 1). Stage D: Consultation (SEA Directive Article 6.2 and Annex 1) The draft plan and environmental report should be ready together for consultation where a statement are made from the consultation responses in order to produce an evolving plan (URL 1). Stage E: Monitoring (SEA Directive Article 10.1) The implementation of the plan where environment effects are produced needs monitoring process. It helps to provide more baseline information for future plans (URL 1). 2. Difficulties and limitations in fulfilling these requirements Table 1: Summary of the difficulties and limitations of SEA reports as required in EU Directive. Requirements issues Difficulties and limitations Availability and access to data Environmental data is often limited and not relevant because it is not collected and stored systematically. The process of data collection requires extensive resources and using these data are difficult because different departments tend to collect different set of data. The quality of good data is lacking and this issue has been reported by Member States such as Germany and Poland (European Commission, 2009). Best example of this issue is Poland. They are facing difficulties of generating and collecting data of affected area because of the implementation of a plan/programme. The current picture of the environment has to be identified especially in large areas but they indicate that it is very problematic (European Commission, 2009). Sometimes, the coverage areas of SEA are large (including few countries and produces large amount of alternatives (URL 1). This will increase the complexity of data collection and analysis (URL 1). Public Participation The availability of the data for the public is limited. In the UK, documents and information of the plan are not required to be published on their website until ER is finalized according to the draft Regulations (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). As a result, public participation is limited as not many public will travel to the plan-makers office to view the documents at a minimum time period for consultation. It is important to set up a website to facilitate the consultation process for the public to participate (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). Else, public is unaware that inspection of these documents are available to them and no feedback can be made (Kà ¸rnà ¸v Thissen, 2000). EA at higher levels of decision making As SEA involves higher levels of decision making, the implementation policy of PPs are subject to various departments decisions (Kà ¸rnà ¸v Thissen, 2000). For example, a Local Transport Plan requires policy from Regional Spatial Strategies, Aviation and Transport White Papers and Sustainable Communities Plan and Planning Policy Statements (Brown Thà ©rivel, 2000). Due to these requirements, a complex screening process has to be performed and decisions for PPS are even more very difficult in the assessment (Brown Thà ©rivel, 2000). Deciding on the level of detail of the environmental report The details of require information in SEA reports are vary due to lack of adaptation in assessment for the level of abstraction in PPs (European Commission, 2009). According to Member States (Latvia and Germany), the possible impacts of PPs are difficult to be included in SEA reports because of less information of the right scale and level required (European Commission, 2009). Therefore, important information for long term PPs is difficult as no appropriate spatial scale of information need to be included in the report (European Commission, 2009). Development of assessment methods As there are no specific guidelines, strong methodological background and lack of exchange for best practices, developing an effective assessment is very challenging (Brown Thà ©rivel, 2000). For example in Operational Programmes objectives, high level plans in a viable assessment do not necessary show the actual physical ground effects although strategic policies are implemented European Commission, 2009). Assessment of impacts Although SEA addressing the importance of cumulative impacts, there is no standard and effective assessment methodologies are being developed (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). The significant environmental impacts of PPs are difficult to assess and the identification of these aspects are limited (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). Monitoring and enforcement (Including issues of indicators) The assessment of plans is limited because there is no sustainability and environmental criteria developed in the monitoring programme (European Commission, 2009). Therefore, monitoring indicators (local agenda 21 for instance) is being used however it is difficult for monitoring process as mentioned by Member States like France. Environmental authorities have no proper enforcement tool to ensure that monitoring programme is being performed (European Commission, 2009). For example in the UK, no quality control body is being set up by the government to monitor the efficiency of monitoring process which is a limitation for SEA (Verheem, R. Tonk, J. 2000). Institutional and legal issues The supports for SEA process are still insufficient politically (European Commission, 2009). The bureaucratic prerogatives may hinder the effectiveness of SEA performance. As SEA process is relatively new, lack of human resources especially knowledgeable authorities is a major limitation for SEA (European Commission, 2009). 3. Comparison between requirement of SEA Directive (2001/42/EC) and Sustainability Appraisal (SA). In the United Kingdom (UK), SA and SEA are required in planning system and law for Government Plans and Programmes (Smith Sheate 2001). For most Development Plan Documents (DPD) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD), both SA and SEA process have to be carried out and include in the Local Development Framework (LDF) in the UK (Smith Sheate 2001). SA was developed to assess the likely economic, social and environmental impacts so proposed PPs can be implemented that leads to sustainable development unlike SEA which was previously described (Lee Kirkpatrick, 2000). The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) and European Directive EC/2001/42 require both SA and SEA processes to be performed in any planning (Smith Sheate 2001). It is also requires by the Environmental Assessment Regulations for Plans and Programmes in UK (Smith Sheate 2001). In table 2, comparison of SA and SEA in terms of UK planning system for Government PPs are being summarized. Table 2: Comparison between SA and SEA requirements within the UK planning system Requirements Strategic Environmental Assessment Sustainability Appraisals Overall aims The aim of SEA is to raise the profile of environmental considerations as part of an advocative approach during decision-making process (Kà ¸rnà ¸v Thissen, 2000). In contrast to SEA, it is use as a support process in decision-making and representing an integrated approach that working towards in all aspects of sustainable development. Therefore, the interests at stake are remained neutral during this process (Minas, 2002). Focus Environmental effects (Lee Kirkpatrick, 2000) A full range of environmental, social and economic issues (Minas, 2002). Environmental/ Sustainability aspects It involves 15 components which is suggested in the 1993 guidance with additional social and economic factors to be considered in 1999 guidance (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). Aspects of biodiversity, human health, cultural factors, water, landscape, population and material assets are considered primarily (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). Report requirements There are no formal requirements for SA. In good practice guidance, identification of scoping and impacts stages is recommended (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). The 1999 guidance also recommends that planners should provide and evaluates alternatives. Environmental baseline conditions should be considered as well. It involved extensive requirements of Annex 1 which have previously discussed (Barth Fuder, 2002). Methodology According to DETR Guide, the appraisal should emphasize on strategic options, alternatives, and policy impact matrices in achieving sustainable development. Therefore, the methodological statement is very brief if compare to SEA (Minas, 2002). In contrast to SA, heavy emphasis is in place on actually baseline data which set as a benchmark to assess the alternatives performance. It is also requires authorities to consult the final environmental report from the public on the scope of the assessment (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). Timing The process is being carried out very early where every stage of the development plan process is considered as an important element (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). In contrast to SA, it is usually being carried out during the preparation of a plan before the submission to the legislative procedure (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). Involvement The appraisals are subjected to consultation with outside groups such as public consultation during the plan preparation. The appraisal usually made available on the internet where it is being carried out sporadically (Thà ©rivel, Minas, 2002). It is not required to make available on the internet. The consultation can be done during scoping stage by specified environmental authorities. Opportunity has to be given to the public to comment the draft plan (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). Documentation required No formal requirements according to the guidance A statement need to be produced by an authority to summarize all the considerations of the plan have been integrated. They need to provide a report of consultees opinion which taken during the consultation process and valid reasons on why the alternatives are being chosen (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). 4. Success of SEA report in delivering sustainable development objectives A wide range of processes has been integrated with SEA report. It has shown to be a systematic process where accountable decision making can be achieve due to the earlier evaluating process being taken with strong alternative visions (Wood Dejeddour, 1992). All these have incorporated in SEA policy, planning and program initiatives (PPPs) to ensure sustainable development with full integration of economic, social and political considerations (Partidà ¡rio Clarke, 2000). Although SEA shows to be a great tool in project level but the process of SEA is not easily accepted or consider as an effective solution due to its complexity (Thà ©rivel Partidà ¡rio, 2000). Recent research has shown that SEA produces both great opportunities as well as failures in sustainable development (Sadler, 1998). 4.1. Sustainability objectives are included in the integrated process of policy making and planning During the design stage of SEA, objectives of sustainability are being considered which provides a greater plan and policy in decision making (Thompson et al., 1995). It gradually delivers its objectives of sustainable development because the use of SEA articulates sustainability goals by enhancing the political action where substantive action can be taken (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). As the expectation of internal and external public of its delivery increasing, it offers the possibility of bringing better policy towards sustainable development into success. The transition of SEA involved two main steps: Information gathering and analysis work The core of strategic decision making Sustainable development consideration is being covered in a broader range where strategic level matters are separated from advisory conventionally-focused (Pezzoli, 1997). Sustainability criteria are used as the key bases to help in strategic decision making on the selection among best options available (Pezzoli, 1997). With these steps being taken, larger context of core policies and programmes in strategic assessment are identified in pursuing the objectives of national sustainability. Therefore, SEA report may be an important instrument in promoting sustainable development when it is fully integrated (Partidà ¡rio, 1996). 4.2. Operationalises sustainability principles In practical application, the concept of sustainability is very difficult because it faces high complexity and uncertain reality (Pezzoli, 1997). Interconnected generational boundaries and disciplinary of sustainability may further complicates the concept (Marsden, 1998). Therefore, the application of specific context of sustainability and commonly recognized principles are being clarified by SEA. SEA identified three key principle of sustainability: Integrated pursuit of ecological and socio-economic improvements Uncertainty imposes precautionary obligations Public choices involved SEA is a visible confirmation of commitment to sustainability as it offers broader exposure to notions such as natural capital and the precautionary principle (Pezzoli, 1997). Therefore, it can be translated into the language of politics of sustainability and functions as a heuristic device (Thà ©rivel et al., 1992). 4.3. Improves analysis of broad public purposes and alternatives With alternative technologies, lifestyle choices and better resources, SEA offers better possibility in achieving sustainable development because it has the capability to contemplating these factors that cannot be address at lower levels (Wood Dejeddour, 1992). Therefore, SEA report is the most effective and efficient point in finding alternatives and addressing the needs in pursuing the objectives of sustainability development (Thà ©rivel et al., 1992). 4.4. Facilitates proper attention to cumulative effects Strategic level proves to be the best way to deal with increasing number of cumulative impacts. The scope of SEA helps to identifying these impacts because of its space scales (Ortolano Shepherd, 1995; Scott, 1992). As SEA is performed in an early stage, this assessment allows assessors to provide more attention in a wider range of actions in a larger area. It allows them to provide a broader context of cumulative impacts in addressing each of the impacts (Thà ©rivel Partidà ¡rio 1996). According to Thà ©rivel Partidà ¡rio, undesirable activities as a results of a project can be removed before the project stage begins because these cumulative impacts have influence the project decision where SEA has incorporated environmental issues intrinsically during the planning stage. Earlier detection of these impacts helps to promote sustainable development. 4.5. Facilitates greater transparency and more effective public participation at the strategic level With the extensive involvement of public participation in SEA, it has improved the credibility and accountability of SEA in sustainability where they facilitating external scrutiny of decision (Wood Dejeddour, 1992). It creates increasing pressures in strategic decision making process to overcome bureaucratic fragmentation because in many jurisdictions, bureaucratic disorganisation and wastefulness in citizen has been declining. The expanding role of public provided in SEA allows an intrinsic connection between environmental sustainability and equity (George, 1999) to promote basic sustainability goals. 5. Conclusion There are many challenges ahead for SEA report. There are many difficulties in producing a good SEA report. Nevertheless, SEA report requirements did show success in achieving sustainable development goals. In order to ensure SEA report success, weaknesses and limitation needs to be considered and solution needed in order to overcome it. 6. References Barth, R. Fuder, A. (2002) Implementing Article 10 of the SEA Directive 2001/42/EC. Final Report : Freiburg, Darmstadt, Berlin. Brown, A L, and Thà ©rivel, R. (2000), ââ¬Å"Principles to guide the development of strategic environmental assessment methodologyâ⬠, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal , 18(3), September, pages 183-189. Environment Agency (2004) SEA Good Practice Guidelines www.environment-agency.gov.uk/seaguidelines. Accessed on 27/01/10. European Parliament and Council of the European Union (2001) Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. www.europa.eu.int/eur-lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2001/l_197/l_19720010721en00300037.pdf European Commission (2009) Study concerning the report on the application and
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Is There A Political Glass Ceiling? Essay
The author makes explicit points to support the argument presented that there is a political glass ceiling for women in politics.à The author makes this conclusion based on statistical data and historical research from geographical political data. The underlying premise behind the glass ceiling for womenââ¬â¢s struggle in the political arena rests in cultural stigmas throughout the sociocultural micosocieties that comprise the nation.à This is proven, as women are typically more likely to be elected among the more urban and educated regions.à There are vast stereotypes associated with gender roles scattered across the sociocultural microcosms of society.à Thus, is there indeed a glass ceiling?à The answer is ultimately no. Women are as capable and as career-oriented as men. Women are as successful as men.à Women are as competitive as men.à The author notes these facts.à The author also notes that what we are faced with in politics are women and men going face to face in competition, something we are not accustomed to in a male-dominated society.à However, women are not viewed in the same way consistently across our society.à Our society is composed of multiple heterogeneous microsocieties. There is not a glass ceiling because the main issue that is being dealt with when examining women in politics is sociocultural.à There is no glass ceiling for if there was indeed a glass ceiling the heights of womenââ¬â¢s struggle in politics would not have come as far as it has today.à Years ago women were not even afforded the right to vote.à Now we have women serving in the Senate, House, and running for the Presidency among serving in other vast political capacities.à The real issue to be addressed in efforts to move women forward in the political arena is to strategically plan for a sociocultural revolution.à It has actually been evolving over time and is the reason women have made it to the place they have today in politi
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Reaction Paper on Hidden Heads of Household
Alma Guardado Professor Turkon October 11, 2018 Reaction Paper on Hidden Heads of Household 1.Within Brazil, poor children are found in situations that they can't escape due to extreme poverty and globalization and even culture. Children are sometimes considered head of households, due to their parent's inability to contribute sufficient income, hence, they would be forced to assist. Like for instance, when a mother cannot work due to pregnancy or staying home to take care of the infants, children would be likely to work to replace their mother, ââ¬Å"I realized that it was the littlest one who was getting the most money. So, I let them go alone, until today.â⬠(Kenny, 1997, p.97) Due, to the low amount of employment available, families must move around frequently to available jobs, which most likely led them to overcrowded, violent favela nearby. Culture and politicians contribute into the factor that poor children within these situations, since children have the mindset that they are unskilled and must work in dirty conditions and politics would lie that they would help on ââ¬Å"gas, light and water bills. However, they do not. They just wanted a vote. Children are forced upon their situation based on their family situation and poverty. 2.In Brazil, globalization and economy are global influences that foster child labor. Child labor was influence due to the increase of wealth, since it brought upon an increase of poverty and inequality. A global shift in production resulted into the growth of favelas, where more children were born into. In those horrible conditions they were forced to find a job at a young age to receive for in their plates every night. Also, due to the ââ¬Å"increase of capital investment in factoriesâ⬠in Brazil ââ¬Å"where the labor is cheap, labor laws are not enforcedâ⬠brought upon more increase of children working there. Also, factory owners preferred children since they can pay them fewer wages. The increase of economy brought upon the desire of more workers to be able produce more goods. 3.As the author emphasizes how she will give details, and the problematic study will result into good results, I honest expected more. I felt it could be consider an exploitation method, but not a study that led to good result. Yes, it did help numerous programs to be formed, yet exploitation does the same. It did not impact the whole situation in a large extent, it pushed positively, but it did not force individuals to stop and wonder what they could do to change the problem. It does a good job, emphasizing the suffering young children are faced and provokes us readers to feel sympathy and heartache knowing what is happening to them. However, does not give valid results, since the programs are not enforced they are created, yet not pushed forward into action. The author herself can use the situation for her benefit for her research. There was no real solution for her study. 4.Global tourism is one of the issues that affect the lives of many children negatively and positively based on the description given in the book. Some children will arrive at 8 am at the tourist location, to beg for tourist for money, however, sometimes they frequently were only offered food, but the kids wanted money due to the easier way to split money among each other and be able to buy what they want with it and hang on to some. Another, positive aspect of tourism was that they brought employment to male children like guides, vendors and based on the satisfaction they might be able to gain extra money or food additionally from their fee for tours. But, for girls sometimes global tourism would be a negative aspect for them, since most of the time they could not have the same jobs as boys due to their physical appearance, hence, they would work in the sex industry. Sexual relationship with foreigners was in the hopes for young women, since it was a strategy for them to deal with poverty, and a desire for travel and material goods. Girls with low-esteem preferred foreigners to Brazilian men, since they thought they treated them better and believed in the hopes of opportunities would come around. In their perspective they believed they were happy since even if they lacked the formal education and financial safety net, they provided money to their family and felt some statues with their peers. The tourist industry brought exploitation of the poor children, however, at the same time brought hopes. 5.The author refers to ââ¬Å"agentâ⬠they mean a representative of the whole community or household on their behalf. Specifically, the ââ¬Å"agentsâ⬠the author refers to is the children, since they are truly the spokesperson telling their own reality of the harsh situations they are facing. In fact, the children should be agents in crafting policies that affect their situation, since it directly affects them. They are the ones who are facing poverty, low wages and harsh conditions and sometimes even the responsibility to have to put money on the table for their family. A fourteen-year-old child should not have the responsibility to work and not be able to receive an education, so why shouldn't they be able to craft the policies that are affecting their own lives. It's not the politicians nor the high-income class or even the adults who are being directly affect, it's the children. They are the ones who are working and facing conditions that most individuals do not face at their age and no one really knows what goes on in their lives, since yes we can research about it, but it does not mean we face it every day like they do, so they should be ones who craft the certain policies rather than those viewing them ââ¬Å"as sweet little victims.â⬠6. Globalization isn't a tool to eliminate child labor in Brazil or elsewhere. It may be able to increase the employment and even the earnings to poor households in developing countries. But, the more desire for export products led to an increase of demand for labor, however, not towards adults. Within factories, they would prefer children since they could pay them less for their labor. Also, their shortness was desirable, since ââ¬Å"they could fit in small holes and under machines.â⬠(Kenny, 1997, p.7) Adults would be unemployed, or those in Brazil will work along with their children in the mills or textile factories. Altogether, globalization brought a negative effect, since when Brazil created a minor code to restrict children into working only six hours, parents did not like the idea which didn't led to the enforcement, nor was there an elimination of child labor. Also, the global shift increased the growth of urban favelas, which led poverty becoming deeper in Brazil and those who most likely work in factories would live in poverty, due to their low income. Globalization brings a desire for interaction of economy and prosperity, with no consideration of how children are treated. There is a more focus on the products than those creating the products.Kenny, M. L. (1997). Hidden heads of households: Child labor in Northeast Brazil.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Single Parenting Essay example - 1614 Words
Single Parenting Single parents and their children constitute a rapidly increasing population. In the past single parenting was seen as a broken system, these units today provide a viable alternative to nuclear families (Kleist, 1999, p. 1). In looking at the characteristics of single parents raising healthy children, I will describe some of the challenges unique to single parenting, and review positive parenting techniques shown to be effective. Social Development has not prepared individuals to be single parents. Single mothers and single fathers need to establish strong support networks, personal friendships, and positive parenting skills. They need to learn how to synchronize the demands of work, home-care, and supervision ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Self-esteem Self-esteem starts developing at birth when an infant attaches to its mother. This attachment needs to continue and change throughout the childââ¬â¢s life (Craig, 2002, pp. 214-215). Children need to feel valued and loved for being who they are. Children need to know they are important. Children need to start developing intra-awareness, and a conscience. Ways to help this include 1) Modeling self-esteem. 2). Spending time with your children and giving them attention. 3) Being a good role model 4) And being consistent in your parenting practices. Positive Parenting/Discipline The qualities of positive parenting I noticed throughout my reading of various books and articles were: 1). To make expectations clear. 2). To make consequences clear. 3) To be fair and appropriate. 4). To reinforce positive behavior. 4). And to be consistent. Although these practices were similar, the authors used different language and strategies. I will review a few of the framework of particular parenting programs and give information on obtaining and analyzing specific parenting programs. The Art of Discipline (DeFrancis, 1994) has a wonderful concise article on the World Wide Web. She suggests that parentââ¬â¢s tailor their discipline approaches by keeping in mind the childââ¬â¢s age and temperament. She reinforces because no two children are the same, what works for one child, mayShow MoreRelatedSingle Parenting1619 Words à |à 7 PagesSingle parenting ALGhaliya AL-dowaiki English Composition 2 Mr.James Philip Date :1/4/2014 Single parenting Introduction Single parenting is one of the most important issues in world. People were not except the idea of single parenting, that one of the parents has the responsibility to take care of the child. They believe that one hand cannot clap. They see that the child should live with his parents not one of them. Nowadays, single parenting become the phenomenon of the time , which meanRead MoreThe Positives Of Single Parenting2975 Words à |à 12 PagesThe Positives of Single Parenting What comes into your mind when you hear about single parenting? ââ¬Å"Americans attitudes towards single [parenting] were so negative-- by negative I mean, nearly seven out of ten said that single [parents] raising a child without the benefit of a partner was bad for societyâ⬠(Huntington Post). Many assumptions are made towards single parents looking down on them not knowing all that they go through. They just have that stereotypical mind that single parents are badRead MoreSingle Parenting Is A Single Parent Household1756 Words à |à 8 Pagesbeing raised by a single parent, whether itââ¬â¢s a mother or father. In the world of political correctness we live in today, itââ¬â¢s frowned upon to say thereââ¬â¢s anything wrong with a single parent household. Society views single fathers and mothers as strong willed people, and while they may be so, itââ¬â¢s be proven that a child growing up in a single parent household often times has negative outcomes. While in some situations single parenting cannot be avoided, a child growing up in a single parent householdRead MoreSocial Media and Single Parenting Essay1662 Words à |à 7 PagesParenting is hard! Being responsible for the development, protection, growth, health, and care for a child is all consuming and at times overwhelming. From sun up until well past sun down, day after day, year after year, the raising of a child is the full time job that never offers a break. Rewarding, of course, difficult, hell yes it is. Single parents face all of the challenges and difficulties of any parent but have to face them without the benefit of partner, a co-parent to help carry some ofRead MoreSingle Parenting1092 Words à |à 5 Pages As LeBron James said, ââ¬Å"For me, already being part of a single parent household and knowing it was just me and my mom, youd would wake up times and hope that the next day youd be able to be alongside your mother because she was out trying to make sure that I was taken care of. But all I cared about was her being homeâ⬠(http://quotes.lifehack.org/quote/lebron-james/for-me-already-being-part-of-a/). This is a proof of how single parenting takes a lot of family time from the parent and their childrenRead MoreSingle Parenting2462 Words à |à 10 Pages Single Parenting-Advantages and Disadvantages Samuella A. G. Brewah SUNY College at Old Westbury Abstract Being a single parent is an overwhelming task, nevertheless it yields greater benefits; with persistence and dedication. A strong bond is developed between the parent and the child/ children. It is a desire and heartbeat of everyone I to have a traditional family; wherein both the mother and father are fully involved in the lives of their children. In this all different roles and variousRead MoreThe Effects Of Single Parenting1181 Words à |à 5 PagesChastity Britton Ms. Carter English 12 November 19, 2015 ââ¬Å"The Effects of Single Parentingâ⬠A number of everyday struggles and disadvantages are experienced by single parent families today. Problems such as families have to face can range from expensive day care, economic hardship, even trouble in balancing both home and work, another problem is the ability to spend limited quality time with children. (Ambert, 2006). Single parent families can be defined as families that only have one parent takingRead MoreSingle Parenting Stigma1700 Words à |à 7 PagesSingle-Parenting Families: Attached Stigmas The social deviance that interests me is single parenting, one who chose to have a child out of wed-lock. The stigma attached to being a single parent is rising anew. Many media commentators blame Americas uptrend in violence and other social problems on family breakdown - on single parents. This stigma is based on myths and stereotypes that have been promoted by half-truths and, often, by prejudiced viewpoints. Many in our society still regard singleRead MoreSingle Parents Vs. Single Parenting Essay1053 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe pros and cons of any given situation. Single parenting would be where one parent is in charge of the household and cares for the child. Although single parents face a thousand challenges, they are also able to obtain many benefits. There can be many difficult challenges with being a single parent and not only for the parent, but for the child as well. The main problem with single parenting happens to be time management. Despite the efforts, the single parent will have to spend a great amountRead MoreDivorce And Unmarried And Single Parenting931 Words à |à 4 PagesIncrease in Divorce and in Unmarried and Single-Parenting The rate of divorce rose sharply in the United States during the 1970s following the implementation of no-fault divorce laws in every state. In the last decade, the rate of divorce has stayed stable or diminished slightly. Most social scientists see this as a result, not of stronger marriages, but of the increased proportion of couples who choose to cohabit rather than marry. No record is kept of these relationships; neither their initiation
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